Nillion Verifier

Step by step guide on how to setup a Nillion Verifier on Linux

This is for education purposes. Treat everything you see here as Not Financial Advise. Proceed at your own risk.

Disclaimer: This guide is for those running Linux. Nillion verifier can be run on a VPS.

The instructions you see here is based from the official site: This is a companion guide when setting up your verifier.

Let's begin.

Create a Nillion Wallet

Downlod Keplr wallet here:

Save your seed phrase and keep it secure. Do not share it with anyone else.

Go to then click on Verifier, to add the Nillion Testnet to your Keplr Wallet.

Next, search for NIL then click on Manage.

Put a check mark on NIL to add it to Keplr.

You should now be able to see your NIL address.

Get NIL Tokens

Go to the Nillion faucet to get some Testnet NIL tokens. Paste your address and complete the verification.

Install Docker

Follow the steps here to install Docker on your machine. This guide is for Ubuntu 22.04. Check your OS version before you install Docker.

Check if the install was successful. Run the following commands to check the version and to try and load a test docker image.

docker --version
docker container run --rm hello-world

Prepare Accuser Image

Download the image.

docker pull nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.0

Create local storage folder.

mkdir -p nillion/accuser

Initialize the image.

docker run -v ./nillion/accuser:/var/tmp nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.0 initialise

This will generate an Account ID and Public Key. Take note of the following information.

Accuser Registration

On the Verifier page at Step 5. "Initialising the accuser", paste the Account ID and Public Key. Approve the transaction with Keplr.

If you have done that correctly, you will see the following screen. You need to wait at least 20-30 minutes before you proceed to next step.

While waiting, get some Testnet NIL tokens to the address generated by the Accuser. Follow the steps above to request for tokens. Do not skip this step.

Run the Accuser

On Step 7, copy the command show.

Paste that on your terminal to Run the Accuser. Once it is done syncing then you will see a similar screen as below.

Take note of the prompts "Registered: true", this means that Verifier is fully synced.

If you do not see any increase in the number of Secret Stores Found and Challenges sent, then you need to do the following steps.

Stop the verifier by doing a CTRL + C. You might need to do this 3x to stop the program.

Next, run the following commands.

docker ps

Take note of your Container ID.

Run this command to restart it.

docker restart <Container ID>

Run the command:

sudo apt install jq

Finally, relaunch the Accuser with this command.

sudo docker run -v ./nillion/accuser:/var/tmp nillion/retailtoken-accuser:latest accuse --rpc-endpoint "" --block-start "$(curl -s | jq -r '.result.response.last_block_height')"

After a few minutes, your Verifier should show some Secret Stores and Challenges sent.

Congratulations, you have succesffully launched a Nillion Verifier.


Last updated