Useful Lava CLI


  • The following commands is what I use for my own Providers. Please make sure to change some variables based on your own configurations.

Add new wallet

lavad keys add wallet

Recover existing wallet (using seed phrase)

lavad keys add wallet --recover

List all keys

lavad keys list

Send tokens

lavad tx bank send <name_wallet> <address> 1000000ulava --fees 5000ulava -y

Stake/Restake Provider

lavap tx pairing stake-provider LAVA "5000000000ulava" ",2" 2 lava@valoper1jt9w26mpxxjsk63mvd4m2ynj0af09csl0sjyut --from z4ch2 --provider-moniker z4ch-lava2  --delegate-limit "0ulava" --gas-prices 0.1ulava --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Redelagate tokens

lavad tx staking redelegate [old_val] [new_val] [amount_tokens]ulava --from [wallet] --chain-id lava-testnet-2 --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0001ulava -y

Freeze provider

lavap tx pairing freeze LAVA --from z4ch --reason "maintenance" --gas-prices 0.1ulava --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Unfreeze provider

lavap tx pairing unfreeze LAVA --from z4ch --gas-prices 0.1ulava --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Check accounts (delegations/frozen)

lavad q pairing account-info --from z4ch

Check relay payments

lavap test events 200 --event lava_relay_payment --from z4ch

This command will scan events with "lava_relay_payment" from 200 blocks then forward. You can set a different number.

lavap test events 0 --event lava_relay_payment --from z4ch

This command will scan events wit "lava_relay_paymnet" from current block then forward. You need to manually stop the command to stop the logs.

Get Provider Rewards

lavad tx dualstaking claim-rewards --from z4ch --gas-prices 1ulava --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Test Provider

lavap test rpcprovider --from z4ch

Start/Stop/Restart Provider

sudo systemctl start lavap
sudo systemctl stop lavap
sudo systemctl restart lavap

Start/Stop/Restart Lava Node

sudo systemctl start lavad
sudo systemctl stop lavad
sudo systemctl restart lavad

Upgrade provider

cd $HOME
rm -rf lava
git clone
cd lava
git checkout <check newest release>

export LAVA_BINARY=lavap
make install

Check free space. Need NCDU installed.

ncdu -x /

Last updated