Lave Wallet Setup


Make sure your node is fully synced before proceeding.

Adding a Key (Wallet) to Node

Ensure you understand the implications of storing your private key in your chosen keyring.

  1. Substitute $ACCOUNT_NAME with your desired account name:

$current_lavad_binary keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME

Securely store your mnemonic in a safe location, as it cannot be retrieved once lost.

  1. Verify and locate your account in the keys list:

$current_lavad_binary keys show $ACCOUNT_NAME
$current_lavad_binary keys list

Pencils out 📝 Your public address begins with lava@.

Restore a Wallet

  1. Recover an existing account using your mnemonic:

lavad keys add $NEW_NAME --recover

After entering your seed phrase:

$current_lavad_binary keys show $ACCOUNT_NAME

Last updated